Iglesia Ntra. Sra. De La Candelaria, Bajada De Los Indios, Caraballeda, Vargas

 ¿Qué ver en Iglesia ntra. sra. de la candelaria, bajada de los indios, caraballeda, vargas, Vargas?

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The Ntra. Sra. De La Candelaria Church is located in Bajada De Los Indios, Caraballeda, Vargas, Venezuela. Unfortunately, I couldn't find an official website for this church. As for the visiting hours and prices, they may vary, so it's recommended to contact the church directly for more information.

If you're planning to visit the church, there are several attractions nearby that you can explore. For example, you can visit the Caribe Park, which is a water park located in Caraballeda. It's open from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM and the entrance fee is around $10.

Another option is to visit the Marina Grande Beach, which is a beautiful beach located in the nearby town of Catia La Mar. It's open from sunrise to sunset and it's free to access.

Overall, the Ntra. Sra. De La Candelaria Church is a beautiful and historic site to visit while in Vargas, and there are plenty of other attractions nearby to explore as well.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Iglesia ntra. sra. de la candelaria, bajada de los indios, caraballeda, vargas)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Iglesia ntra. sra. de la candelaria, bajada de los indios, caraballeda, vargas)